McDowell: Cars Are So ‘On the Edge’ at Michigan

McDowell on Michigan

“Michigan is one of the toughest tracks we go to now. It’s always been fast, but it wasn’t as daunting as it is now. Our cars are so on the edge there and nervous on entry. As we’ve pulled off all the downforce over the last three to four years, Michigan is where you notice it the most. Coming to a mile-and-a-half and you’re a little free in, it’s manageable. At Michigan, you’re hanging on for dear life. The cars are a handful, and that’s made racing there a challenge. Getting your car to drive well is very important. But you can’t take speed out of it to do it. It’s a balance. The drivers want more comfort and the crew chiefs want more speed.

“Qualifying well and keeping track position are super important. You’re already on edge by yourself, and then you put your car in a pack and it’s hard to make moves. It’s hard to make passes, especially when you’re at similar speed to the cars you’re racing. So, strategy comes in for sure. We’ve seen that race be a fuel mileage race. There’s always a plan going into Michigan: How do we get off strategy and maybe steal a win?”

McDowell Michigan Stats
8 starts
Best finish: 23rd

Meet Michael
Sunday, June 10, 10:50am – Ford Performance display (Michigan International Speedway Fan Zone)